Adding post processing effects to a game helps you change the visuals dramatically with fairly low effort. So when i wanted to change the look of the game that im making using Cocos Creator i couldn't find a well documented way to do it :( The only documentation available asks us to create a flow and im' not entirely sure where that plugs in as its' surprisingly light on details.
Check for yourself Post-processing · Cocos Creator
While I was searching for answers I found somebody suggest that this should be done the old-school way. Render to Texture and a Full-Screen Textured Quad. Fortunately this setup was pretty easy to do within Cocos Creator.
- Create a Render To Texture Resource
- Set the game Camera target render as this resource.
- Add a new Camera and a Quad to the scene (set the flags to be different from the original game objects/cam hierarchy)
- Create a new post-process material for assigning to the Quad.
- Create a new Post-Process Effect
- For converting the Quad to FullScreen Quad.
- Running the actual full-screen effect to change the look of the game.
Vertex Shader to make the Quad Fullscreen and Flip the Texture in Y to make it look right.
Now for some results of the above method..