3D middling is generally hard for people working in 2d art to pickup. There have been attempts at making it easy in various tools
- Maya introduced the world if sculpting
- Sketch introduced the union/difference way to model
- Voxel editors made it like Lego building
higher res rendering using #blender modeled using #KenShape #gimp for overlay (there is probably a way to do this using blender itself) pic.twitter.com/az9V7hWjHE
— VamsiKrishnaV (@vkrishna1983) February 25, 2021
More art with #KenShape and #gimp this is so easy to use almost feels like im' cheating :) pic.twitter.com/iDKOcPaxAI
— VamsiKrishnaV (@vkrishna1983) February 25, 2021
Takes only a few minutes to create 3D models with #KenShape really cool 😀 pic.twitter.com/SCXITjYDtU
— VamsiKrishnaV (@vkrishna1983) February 25, 2021
i'm too addicted to #KenShape. I did some #gimp magic to get the corresponding pixel art overlay for the gif. pic.twitter.com/C4AyiQ8YpY
— VamsiKrishnaV (@vkrishna1983) February 25, 2021
This sendsy like a very good trade off between ease of use and results quality that you get it if it. This obviously can be integrated into blender. I might spend some time on that this week.
As part of using and pasting gifs from the tool I learned a bit about gimp scripting which saved me a lot of time while I was sorting things out for adding the pixel art as part of the gif image.
Here is the script if you are interested
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