3D middling is generally hard for people working in 2d art to pickup. There have been attempts at making it easy in various tools Maya introduced the world if sculpting Sketch introduced the union/difference way to model Voxel editors made it like Lego building Recently I’ve come across a new roll called KenShape from @Kenney.nl. This tool takes an interesting approach of creating 3D models from 2D art. There have been attempts at this before. In fact I’ve worked on creating a 3D model from sketch as a blender plugin as part of my college work. It was hard to create something polished with it . KenShape roll takes an interesting approach by imposing a limitation of pixel art. This makes it similar to the union of shapes kind of modeling and can get pretty impressive results higher res rendering using #blender modeled using #KenShape #gimp for overlay (there is probably a way to do this using blender itself) pic.twitter.com/az9V7hWjHE — VamsiKrishnaV (@vkrishna198...
Some Random Stuff i work on.. apart from my job.