Recently i was trying to get a game out for the mobile web. I wanted something that would be able to publish light weight game and had a good workflow for artists and developers to get things going as soon as possible.
- Support for Mobile Web
- GUI for level design
- Workflow for UI animation
- Support for 3D games
- Ability to publish for Native Mobile [Good to Have]
The candidates:
- Unity (unity tiny)
- Cocos Creator
- PlayCanvas
- Three.js
I understand that other than the first two most of others don't have a way to publish to native mobile but the reason i choose them is because mobile web was the first priority and all of them seemed to have good support for it.
Based on the above analysis, i picked cocos creator for making the game. I must say it was pretty fun experience. I was able to get the game done in about a weeks time. Our collision system was pretty basic. I struggled to get custom shaders in, but was able to finally get the light mapping shader to work. I couldn't get env mapping sorted though, that was the only time when i thought to myself that may be three.js would have been a better bet.