Last time i basically explained what it felt like using the GoDot engine gui while i was creating the simple game of Dont' touch the spikes. In this post i will cover how i went about setting up the scene and issues i faced. The Scene Setup Coming from cocos2d-x i'm used to Layers, Scenes as container objects to setup a gameplay scene. In GoDot however i was unable to find any such nodes. Instead i just had to use a Node2D . This is pretty much the starting point of the game scene structure. I then added a RigidBody2D named it Player. This was going to be the physics body for dealing with user inputs etc. I then added a Sprite to the RigidBody. If you have used unity you would start wondering where do i add the collisionbox component to the rigid body. Simple answer is .. you dont. You actually have to add a node called CollisionShape2D as a child to the RigidBody2D to be able to detect physics collisions in the simulations. So the Scene tree looks lik...
Some Random Stuff i work on.. apart from my job.