I've been using lightsail to host a personal website which is great with the pre-configured lamp stack. It comes installed with bitnami package which comes with tools that make hosting an https server easy. bncert-tool is the command line tool which is present in " /opt/bitnami/ " this is useful for setting up certificates for the website from letsencrypt,org . Bitnami on lightsail is installed using packages, so it comes pre-configured with the virtual hosts enabled. This is huge because it removes a bunch of steps that need to be done for hosting multiple subdomains on the same instance. Setup Multiple Domains So the first step for getting started is to create a lightsail instance //or some other instance with the bitnami packages installed. I've picked lightsail with LAMP stack. This is pretty cheap at $3.5 per month on the lowest configuration and you can set it up for getting command line access. Like i mentioned before bitnami when installed through system...
Some Random Stuff i work on.. apart from my job.