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Showing posts from December, 2017

Game for Alexa

I've been wanting to start work on a new game for a while and couldn't figure out which one. I was inspired by the Box Boss game by noodle cake and worked on a unity prototype for the web, while i was working on it i came across an interesting article about how amazon's alexa has become very popular and people are playing games on it and the developers are getting paid for developing interesting experiences for it. This sparked interest in me so wanted to give it a shot. The game that seems to be doing extremely well is Trivia, which isn't that surprising i guess as it's the easiest to get into on the VUI (Voice User Interface). I thought about this for a while and realized that it would be easier to play a game if the options were limited, thats' when i realized that my Movie Rush game idea could work here.. the idea is to name two characters from a movie and ask the user to guess if they were friend / foe. Seems simple enough for a first try at a platform s...