Im' already a big fan of HTML5. I just love the power of canvas and the ability to be able to develop games for the web without the fuss of flash. This excitement reached the next level when i came across the pokki platform. The application just uses already available software packages like webkit, v8 javascript engine and are trying to do something like Chrome WebStore with offline apps only. The advantage though is better integration with the desktop environment. The fluid animation of the apps appearing and disappearing.. its' just beautiful. As soon as I discovered it i wanted to try making one of my html5 games available on it and thought "Closer" was the best option.. mostly because the other games weren't as good or fun to play. It was pretty easy to get the game running under pokki platform but making it polished enough for it to get published definitely wasn't. I have got the submission rejected twice so far.. nothing serious though and i think tha...
Some Random Stuff i work on.. apart from my job.