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Showing posts from April, 2011


If you have played the game you know about the little sister.. and the big daddy and stuff.. just wanted to try drawing some girl with teddy in her hand and with crazy hair do.. ended up drawing this.. ps: forgot to put my sign in there :(

Inkscape as Level editor

If you dont' know about Inkscape yet, it's a svg editor and if you dont' know svg its just a text based file format for describing an Image. Now that we have that out of our way.. lets talk business. During one of they pyweek contests, i came across a discussion regarding creating a level editor for a game. And one of the participants posted saying that he is using Inkscape as level editor. I thought to myself that I should be doing it too. But I didnt' know how the parse the file, i knew it was xml but did not know the tags, attributes etc that are valid for an svg. Then i came across a svg rendering library called squrtile . I looked at the code and saw that it was pretty straight forward. And now for the first time i have used svg as a level editor for my pyweek entry " Charged ". This made it way easier to visualize what i was going to see in the game and much more organized. In fact anybody can just pick up any svg editor and start creating there own lev...


The pyweek for this year has started and the theme is "nine times". Since iv'e been working on MuCap for a while now i wasn't sure i would be able to work on anything for this pyweek . But started thinking about the theme anyway. I wanted the gameplay to be very simple to pick up at the same time making the player think about how to complete a level. This is easy.. you make a puzzle game but how do i incorporate the theme? well first i decided on the gameplay "bounce a ball around". The theme says "nine times" so now i started thinking about ways to make the player bounce the ball 9 times before the level is complete. This was the thought process behind "Charged" the pyweek game im' working on currently. To make sense of why the user should bounce 9 times before finishing, i tried working out some kind of story.. say feeding something with candy coated with chocolate? (9 times bounce == more chocolate) for some time i was going to go...