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Showing posts from February, 2011


So kratos from god of war.. need i say more.. :D its' not the exact same as in the game, i got rid of the chains and only one blade instead of two.

The corner

I was at a restaurant tonight and this particular scene captured my attention.. i didn't quite get the plants right and some of the other parts that were there are missing but this gave me a good excuse to test out light effect in the drawing.


i think i should have colored this but couldnt' decide on the best colors.. so just left as is :D. The shading didn't turns out very good. From My Work From My Work Update: Turns out i can just use the fire fox color scheme and it all turned out pretty neat .. :D

Orc Attack

I've got a warhammer orc figurine with me.. always wanted to draw it but didnt' dare to do it.. but ive' just conquered the fear :D

The Big Fat Panda

Not spectacular but still i did it :D


It's been a while since iv'e drawn anything.. so thought it is about time i did it :D. So for the theme i thought id' work on some monster drawings.. as i haven't done anything on those lines till now.. and to tell you frankly i've not been able to get the scary look id' want to give the i did a quick google and took inspiration from the dinosaur pictures.. and here's the result :D