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Showing posts from October, 2007

Time Shift

If you have been following the list of games that are coming up this holiday season.. you would have come across the game called TimeShift. The game boasts of the player being able to control the time. Well we have all seen slow motion effects in games like max payne , matrix, Fear etc. The Prince of Persia had the rewind thing which was pretty good. This same feature is now available in TimeShift and you can even do that in multi player. Sounds cool right? any way i was wondering how we can actually implement such a feature in the game? How do you actually rewind the events that already happened ... well it wont' happen ever in real life.. but how do we provide such an implementation in a game engine? The first solution which came to my mind was..: 1) Store the motion details of each object and just trace back the positions? 2) Inverse kinematics ? (Could be too complicated...? approximations might cause problem?) What do you guys out there think is a good solution to this problem...

Unreal Technology

The unreal game engine is here and it seems like a solid step ahead. There are many high budget titles coming up on this engine and they all look really amazing. They are not trying to achieve realism.. but the artistic rendering really looks cool. Gears of War, UT3, Bioshock, Stranglehold ... all of these are using UT engine, they aren't realistic.. Crysis.. now that is realism. All that apart, the main concern i have with this latest installment of UT's engine is that it doesnt' seem to be very scalable. I mean a GoForce 7400 256MB memory, 1GB ram, Centrino Duo is a pretty decent system, at least it's not like im' using a GeForce 6 series card. Well any way.. seems like the UT engine really doesn't like laptops :) Yesterday i downloaded the UT3 Demo.. to see if the game is any good, coz.. i could really not get stranglehold to run on my system.. the min requirements for the game are 2GB ram and 7800 geforce card and 15gb hdd, Just insane..!! Back to UT3 demo.....